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10:31 am

For more than a century, people have used photos to encapsulate their lives and immortalize important moments. But while today most of the photos are stored permanently online or on our digital devices, not too long ago the only way...

7:08 am

Negatives are a great way to store high-quality images for printing later. They're easy to store, decay slowly, and are (or at least were) relatively cheap to produce. However, even they succumb to environmental factors sooner or later at whether...

9:37 am

With the move to digital, many people have forgotten what came before and how good it was. For years TV studios, movies, and other companies all over the world used professional broadcast quality videotapes. Two styles of tape, in particular,...

9:00 am

Quick Reasons to Digitize Your Memories: Eliminate the risk of damage to items from fire, floods, and other unforeseen disasters Insurance against losing priceless photos, videos, and film forever Protect your one of a kind keepsakes from fading and deteriorating...

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