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9:39 am

No matter how much you try to preserve old photographs, they will inevitably succumb to the effects of time sooner or later. The only permanent way to ensure that your precious memories remain in good condition for future generations to...

2:20 pm

While photo scanning seems like such a simple thing to do, many people don't realize the time and effort that actually goes into scanning large quantities of photographs. Obviously, you will have to spend some money on equipment, software, and...

9:00 am

Quick Reasons to Digitize Your Memories: Eliminate the risk of damage to items from fire, floods, and other unforeseen disasters Insurance against losing priceless photos, videos, and film forever Protect your one of a kind keepsakes from fading and deteriorating...

9:58 am

Slides provide amazing, 1st generation images - creating the ability to produce uninhibited printed and digital copies of the original picture. HOWEVER, for the digital images to be clear, you must scan a clean slide. Nowadays, slides typically end up...

8:47 pm

A Trillion & Counting The world takes well over a trillion digital photos per year. Process that fact for a minute. What if I told you that this number is actually growing rapidly, and yet more and more photos are...

6:55 pm

Many people ask themselves, is it really necessary to digitize my photos and home videos now? The short answer is yes! If you took the time to capture all those special moments and held on to them all these years...

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