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9:12 am

Nostalgia is a powerful thing—it connects us to cherished memories, family moments, and the stories that shaped who we are. If you’re like many people, you probably have stacks of old 8mm film reels packed with priceless footage of birthdays,...

4:10 am

Do you have a box of old film reels tucked away in a closet? If you were born before the new millennium, chances are you do. They could be a collection of beloved animated feature films, a nostalgic video of...

9:20 am

In the dynamic field of photography and cinematography, the kind of film you use is the key to capturing specific shots. Each film format gives a different look, and both hobbyists and pros need to know about them. At Smooth...

8:06 pm

35mm film & 120mm film are some of the most popular film photography formats out there. But while they're both used by millions of photographers, it's essential to understand what makes them different if you are going to make the...

6:14 pm

8mm has been one of the most popular home video formats for a long time. And because of that, it’s not surprising that many families still have a vast collection of home movies that are collecting dust in a box of...

3:16 pm

The 35mm negative film strip is often the last technology to be used before people started switching to digital cameras. It was used for a very long time and had a few decades of incredible popularity once it became more...

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