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30 October

5 Creative Ideas for Capturing the Halloween Day Memories Written by: Brandon Harris, Smooth Photo Scanning Services

Halloween Day Memories

Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays, for both kids and parents.

Everyone gets to dress up in spooky and fun costumes and enjoy tasty treats and candies that can last well after the day is over.

That’s why it’s essential to capture those precious memories of the holiday and make an effort to make the pictures as exciting as possible.

To help you accomplish that, here are a few simple tips you can use to take your Halloween pictures t lo a whole new level.

Make Use of the Beautiful Fall Sunlight

One of the best things about fall is the gorgeous natural light that’s a result of the sun being lower throughout the day.

So if you want your pictures to truly be magical, use this beautiful light and have at least some of your photos taken while it is still light out.

Even though you may consider Halloween to be an after-dark holiday, having some images of your kids and family in that golden sunlight glow will definitely make pictures worth remembering.

Use Props

If you want to keep your Halloween photos exciting and fresh, you should experiment with different props and setups for your shoots, as that can add variety to your Halloween album and make it more interesting.

Even using household items like brooms and candles can help you set the mood of the entire shoot, and you could also take it a step further and incorporate carved out pumpkins or even specialty props like skeletons, cobwebs, or tombstones.

Pick Out the Right Location

Sometimes, instead of props, you may want to use different locations for your shoot. Whether you want to create a physical album or digitize photos to view on the computer, the scenery can help create a spooky atmosphere and make the photographs more memorable.

But what type of scenery should you use?

Well, since it’s Halloween, aim for something thematic such as a forest, which has a mystical vibe and will not only look good but will help get your family into the right mood as well.

Match Your Costumes

Although all of the tips mentioned above can be very helpful, they alone won’t cut it – you will also need convincing costumes that capture the mood of Halloween and make it clear what the occasion is.

If you really want to make an impression, create themed costumes for the entire family that complement each other.

Revisit Old Memories

Even though it can be incredibly fun to capture the memories of the upcoming Halloween, you should also consider taking a look back and going through the photographs of previous Halloweens that you and your family had together.

They can not only give you ideas but also help you remember some of the sweeter moments and allow you to appreciate what these types of family holidays are really all about.

You should also consider using photo restoration services if you have a collection of physical photos, as getting them digitized and restored is the only way to prevent your pictures from deteriorating over time.

Today, photo restoration services are more affordable than ever before, and they allow you to have your Halloween memories immortalized on your computer forever.

Brandon Harris, Smooth Photo Scanning Services

My father has been in the document scanning industry for as long as I can remember. I worked for his company Smooth Solutions, Inc. during summer breaks growing up and for a couple years after college. Wanting to venture off on my own, I gained experience in several careers including wholesale seafood sales as well as owning and operating a bakery for several years. When my father approached me with the opportunity to expand upon his already successful business by providing high quality, professional scanning services to the general public, I jumped on board. From personal experience, I recognize how important it is for most people to have their family memorabilia preserved for future generations and I want to be a part of helping others do that.

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