Orders Over $250 Include


Stereo Slides were widely popular in the late ’40s and ’50s. When put into a slide viewer, or stereoscope, the two identical side-by-side images create the illusion of depth, which is why there are sometimes called 3D stereo slides. Not many companies digitize stereo slides but rest assured that we have the experience and equipment to scan all slide formats.

Scanning 3D slides to digital allow you to view those once forgotten moments from any device and share them with ease. Scanned images are immune from the damaging effects of dust, scratching, fading and deterioration. Place your order online today or give us a call to get started.

35mm Slides

35mm Slides

The most popular slide format, we will scan your 35mm slides or 110 slides at high resolution while removing dust and scratches using Digital ICE Technology.

126 and 127 Slides

126 and 127 Slides

A slightly different version of the classic slide, they can be a bit tricky to scan. But we have the experience and equipment to bring them back to life.

3D Stereo Slides

3D Stereo Slides

Originally meant to be viewed as 3D, digitizing these fun slides can prove puzzling to customers; but the solution is simple, we just scan one of the images.

Medium Format Slides

Medium Format Slides

Larger than your average slide, sometimes referred to as super. These slides captured big memories and we'll be sure to save every inch.

35mm Slides & 110 Format Slides $0.36 - $0.48 $0.42 - $0.56 $0.54 - $0.72
3D Stereo Slides, 126 & 127 Format $0.53 - $0.70 $0.59 - $0.78 $0.71 - $0.94
Medium Format 120/220 Slides $1.02 - $1.45 $1.16 - $1.65 $1.44 - $2.05
RESOLUTION UP TO 500 501 - 2,000 2,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,000+
Bulk Quantity Discount 0% 10% 15% 20% 25%
35mm Slides & 110 Format Slides 2000 $0.48 $0.43 $0.41 $0.38 $0.36
35mm Slides & 110 Format Slides 3000 $0.56 $0.50 $0.48 $0.45 $0.42
35mm Slides & 110 Format Slides 4000 $0.72 $0.65 $0.61 $0.58 $0.54
3D Stereo Slides, 126 & 127 Format 2000 $0.70 $0.63 $0.60 $0.56 $0.53
3D Stereo Slides, 126 & 127 Format 3000 $0.78 $0.70 $0.66 $0.62 $0.59
3D Stereo Slides, 126 & 127 Format 4000 $0.94 $0.85 $0.80 $0.75 $0.71
Medium Format 120/220 2000 $1.45 $1.31 $1.16 $1.09 $1.02
Medium Format 120/220 3000 $1.65 $1.49 $1.32 $1.24 $1.16
Medium Format 120/220 4000 $2.05 $1.85 $1.64 $1.54 $1.44
  • Digital ICE - Image Correction and Enhancement
  • Rotating and Cropping of Each Image
  • Custom Naming of File Folders by Carousel or Batch
  • Free DVD or Link to Download your Images
  • Free Shipping for Orders Over $250
  • Free Pickup for Orders over $500 (NYC Tri-State Area)

All of your slides are treated as if they contained one of our own personal memories. As soon as we receive your stereo slides at our secure scanning facility, they are labeled and logged into our order tracking system. Each slide is sprayed with compressed air to remove dust build-up and scanned on professional flatbed slide scanners. Since both exposures on stereo slides are nearly identical, only one side needs to be scanned. All of our slide scanners utilize Digital ICE technology to detect and remove dust particles and minor scratches during the digitization process.

Digital ICE also restores and corrects color, reduces film grain noise, and optimizes contrast & exposure of each of your scanned stereo slides. Each digital image is individually inspected, cropped, rotated to its proper orientation, and enhanced once again to bring a new life to your old slides. Finally, the enhanced images are placed onto your storage media of choice (CD, flash drive, or download link), ready to be enjoyed and shared.

We accept slides in carousels, magazines, boxes, or any other type of storage container you may have. We always maintain the organization of your slides, creating a separate digital folder for each batch named by the label you provide on each container.

An advantage to using our stereo slide digitization service is the resolution capabilities we offer. Resolution is measured in Dots Per Inch (DPI) and refers to the amount of detail a digital image holds. The higher the resolution a slide is scanned at, the more you will be able to do with the image. All 35mm slides are scanned at a minimum of 2000 DPI and up to 4000 DPI. Below is a description of each resolution option:

  • 2000 DPI Converting stereo slides to digital at 2000 DPI is perfect for viewing on any device, from your computer to your phone or even your TV. At this resolution you can make photo prints of 5" x 7" without losing any quality.
  • 3000 DPI Stereo slides scanned at 3000 DPI will capture more detail and result in sharper images. The scanned images are of a manageable file size and can used to print photos up to 11" x 14" without loss of quality.
  • 4000 DPI The highest resolution we offer, scanning stereo slides at 4000 DPI will capture the most detail possible. This resolution will allow you to use the scanned images in any professional capacity and create photo prints of at least 16" x 20."
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