Smooth Photo Scanning Services: Who Are We? How Can We Help You? Written by: Cora Foley

Who Are We – “Smooth Photo Scanning Services, located in Lodi, NJ, is a family owned business that helps bring a new life to your old memories. We offer our customers the best photo scanning and video/audio transfer services available and we are close to home. For over 25 years we have been helping commercial and municipal clients go paperless. And since 2014 we have been providing our valuable services to families & individuals who want to protect and preserve their legacy for future generations, says COO Brandon Harris.
How Can We Help You – Your photographs, slides, negatives, video tapes, 8mm/16mm film, and audio tapes are priceless treasures that are one of a kind. After using our service you won’t lose these moments due to fires, floods, decay, getting lost or even stolen. Our professional, yet affordable, digital conversion services give our clients peace of mind knowing that their memories are safely backed up and accessible from any device to instantly share with loved ones, Harris assures.
“What separates us from our competition is our longevity, experience and passion for this industry”
If you’ve ever asked yourself: Where are my old photographs? How can I view my old VHS tapes or 8mm film from the 60s? What is even on my cassette tapes? What should I do with all of these 35mm slides and negatives I inherited? Then our services are just what you need! We expertly digitize any media collection, whether you have 100’s or tens of thousands of items in your archive. What separates us from our competition is our longevity, experience and passion for this industry. This translates to the highest quality output and trust with our clients. Not many companies can say they’ve been doing this for 25 years and counting. Nor can they say they’ve scanned millions of photos and billions of documents, says Harris.
Smooth Photo Scanning Services keeps your possessions safe and close to home. We perform all scanning in house at our secure production facility in Lodi, NJ. We will never ship your irreplaceable keepsakes to another country for processing as many other scanning companies do. Simply box up your collection and ship it to or drop it off at our office in New Jersey. For local customers in Bergen, Rockland, Westchester or New York City, we can come to your home or office and pick up your collection for free (with order minimum).
Let us help you protect and share all of your favorite memories. Give us a call or email us today to get started with your next photo scanning or video transfer project,” invites Harris.