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6:14 pm

8mm has been one of the most popular home video formats for a long time. And because of that, it’s not surprising that many families still have a vast collection of home movies that are collecting dust in a box of...

6:58 pm

Getting around to digitizing slides can be a hassle. You need to find the right provider, sort out your collection, find the budget, and figure out how you’ll transport everything to the locations where they can convert slides to digital....

7:03 pm

Finding a collection of negatives can be very exciting. Even though they may seem like a relic from an earlier time, these negatives are the closest thing to the original picture that was taken, capturing the actual moment when the...

12:18 pm

Smartphone technology is constantly evolving. And a brand new phone that seemed incredibly powerful just a few years ago is now, if not obsolete, then at least not as capable anymore. Many people enjoy upgrading their iPhones to a new...

7:00 pm

Christmas is the most magical time of the year. And a big part of that is getting together with the family and cherishing each other's company. Because of that, coming up with creative Christmas photoshoot ideas is an integral part...

7:15 pm

Preserving your precious memories captured on video is essential. But unfortunately, no matter how well you secure your collection, deterioration and accidents will inevitably destroy it over time.  The good news is that you can now convert video to DVD...

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