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10:18 am

More and more people are using photo scanning to save their personal memorabilia. Even in the professional field, many offices believe it is the best way to improve shareability and preserve their image-based documents. However, before you open up Google...

5:24 am

Flipping through vintage portraits of your great-great someone makes for an exciting trip down memory lane. Sharing these pictures on social media with loved ones is even more rewarding; as you connect with each other over fond memories of the...

9:39 am

No matter how much you try to preserve old photographs, they will inevitably succumb to the effects of time sooner or later. The only permanent way to ensure that your precious memories remain in good condition for future generations to...

9:16 am

The digital age completely revolutionized how we capture and watch home movies. Analog formats became history in what seems like just a few years and suddenly the world had converted to digital. This has unfortunately rendered most home movie collections...

10:31 am

For more than a century, people have used photos to encapsulate their lives and immortalize important moments. But while today most of the photos are stored permanently online or on our digital devices, not too long ago the only way...

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